
Collaboration with Thai Government towards Sustainable Development Goals



Since June 2022, The Industrial Estate Authority Thailand “IEAT”, a state enterprise responsible for the development and establishment of industrial estates by organizing areas for industrial factories has been established I-EA-T Sustainable Business Project (ISB) and inviting industrial operators to apply Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG) model as a sustainable strategy to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Stars Technologies Industrial Ltd. or STI has participated this program in the first year as a pilot player. We worked with ISB trainers from experts in various fields to raise the business impact analysis dimension, created our CSR project and measure its social impact.

2022年6月より、タイ工業団地公社(The Industrial Estate Authority Thailand "IEAT")は、工業団地の開発と設立を担当する国営企業として、I-EA-T 持続可能なビジネスプロジェクト(ISB)を設立し、持続可能な開発のための2030アジェンダの達成に向けた持続可能な戦略として、バイオ循環グリーンエコノミー(BCG)モデルを適用する工業事業者を募っています。三ツ星ベルト㈱の海外関係会社であるSTARS TECHNOLOGIES INDUSTRIAL LIMITED(以下STI)は、先駆者として初年度にこのプログラムに参加しました。様々な分野の専門家からなるISBのトレーナーと共に、CSRプロジェクトを立ち上げ、社会にどのような影響を及ぼすのかを考察しました。Collaboration with Thai Government towards Sustainable Development Goals2

The roll up shows the result of business impact and social impact analysis in ISB project 2022.

We have initiated several projects of waste management aim to make garbage sorting be a strong daily habit entire the workplace and the employees’ communities. We have started from educating how to segregate the garbage and the way to recycle or dispose each of them. There are monthly awards to the best practice of garbage stations in factory. 

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Employees brought their collected PET bottle waste from their homes to join the activity.

Every Friday morning, the employees brought PET bottle waste which collected together with their families from their houses to factory then exchange to food coupon or voucher for buying grocery goods in supermarket. The collected PET bottle waste from employees and inside factory was passed to WHA the leading developer of industrial estates and PTT GC the leading plastic pellet manufacturer who creates fabric made 100% from used plastic bottles, our CSR partners to recycle them as a material to make the eco-friendly backpacks or pillow covers and then donate to schools or local hospitals surrounding our locating communities. From this project we donated 6,929.90 Kilograms of PET bottles and reduced Greenhouse Gas 16,077.32 KgCO2e.
毎週金曜日の朝、STIでは従業員から家庭で出たペットボトルゴミ回収し、スーパーマーケットで使える食券やクーポン券と交換しています。従業員や工場内から回収されたペットボトル廃棄物は、工業団地開発の大手であるWHA社や、使用済みペットボトルから100%作られた生地を製造する大手プラスチックペレットメーカーであるPTT GC社に渡され、環境に優しいバックパックや枕カバーの材料としてリサイクルされた後、STIが所在する地域周辺の学校や地元の病院に寄付されました。このプロジェクトにより、STIでは6,929.90Kgのペットボトルを寄付し、16,077.32Kgの温室効果ガスを削減しました。

Collaboration with Thai Government towards Sustainable Development Goals5The collected PET bottle waste from employees’ houses and factory passed to WHA and PTT GC to produce eco-friendly backpack and pillow cover.
従業員の自宅や工場から回収されたペットボトル廃棄物は、WHAとPTT GCに渡され、環境に優しいバックパックと枕カバーが製造されました。

Collaboration with Thai Government towards Sustainable Development Goals6The recycle from PET bottle backpacks are donated to schools in surrounding community.

From these activities our waste management has grown up, the garbage for disposal has decreased and recycle waste has increased. Moreover, the building awareness to reduce carbon footprint from our routines in employees’ communities is the ultimate success.


Although our project appears little and simple, our strength was enabling us to receive the ISB Leader award at the I-EA-T Sustainable Forum 2022 on October 12, 2022. As a company model with the most energetic activities, we were also invited to be a keynote speaker on June 1, 2023 to tell our successful story by Mr.Sumphun Puiphunthawong, Director of STI and inspire other industrial operators to participate this project in 2023.
STIでのプロジェクトは簡単なように思いますが、2022年10月12日に開催されたI-EA-Tサステイナブル・フォーラム2022でISBリーダー賞を受賞することができたことは大きな励みとなりました。また2023年6月1日に基調講演者として招かれ、このプロジェクトに参加する他の産業事業者の前で、STIのSumphun P.所長が成功談を語りました。Collaboration with Thai Government towards Sustainable Development Goals7

STI received “ISB Leader Award” in I-EA-T Sustainable Business Forum 2022 on October 12, 2022.

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Mr. Sumphun P. told the successful story to the audiences in ISB Roadshow on June 1, 2023 to inspire them join the ISB project.
基調講演者として招かれたISB Roadshowで、Sumphun P.氏はSTIでの成功談を語り、ISBプロジェクトへの参加を呼びかけました。

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